EMANE  1.2.1
EMANE::Events Namespace Reference


class  AntennaProfile
 Holds NEM Id, antenna profile Id, azimuth and elevation. More...
class  AntennaProfileEvent
 An antenna profile event is used to set the antenna profile selection and pointing information for one or more NEMs. More...
class  AntennaProfileEventFormatter
 Callable formatter object for AntennaProfileEvent instances. More...
class  CommEffect
 A CommEffect entry holds the NEM Id of a transmitter and the link effects to apply to received transmission. More...
class  CommEffectEvent
 Comm Effect events are used to set asynchronous link characteristics from one or more transmitting NEMs to the receiving NEM. More...
class  CommEffectEventFormatter
 Callable formatter object for CommEffectEvent instances. More...
class  FadingSelection
class  FadingSelectionEvent
 An fading selection event is used to set the fading model for one or more NEMs. More...
class  FadingSelectionEventFormatter
 Callable formatter object for FadingSelectionEvent instances. More...
class  Location
 A location entry holds an NEM Id, that NEM's position information and optional orientation and velocity. More...
class  LocationEvent
 A location event is usd to set the position, orientation and velocity information for one or more NEMs. More...
class  LocationEventFormatter
 Callable formatter object for LocationEvent instances. More...
class  Pathloss
 A pathloss entry holds the source NEM Id and the forward and reverse pathloss to apply to received transmissions. More...
class  PathlossEvent
 A pathloss event is used to set the pathloss from one or more transmitting NEMs to a receiving NEM. More...
class  PathlossEventFormatter
 Callable formatter object for PathlossEvent instances. More...
class  SlotInfo
class  SlotStructure
class  TDMAScheduleEvent


using AntennaProfiles = std::list< AntennaProfile >
using CommEffects = std::list< CommEffect >
using FadingSelections = std::list< FadingSelection >
using Locations = std::list< Location >
using Pathlosses = std::list< Pathloss >
using SlotInfos = std::vector< SlotInfo >


enum  FadingModel { FadingModel::NONE, FadingModel::NAKAGAMI }

Typedef Documentation

◆ AntennaProfiles

using EMANE::Events::AntennaProfiles = typedef std::list<AntennaProfile>

Definition at line 116 of file antennaprofile.h.

◆ CommEffects

using EMANE::Events::CommEffects = typedef std::list<CommEffect>

Definition at line 131 of file commeffect.h.

◆ FadingSelections

Definition at line 89 of file fadingselection.h.

◆ Locations

using EMANE::Events::Locations = typedef std::list<Location>

Definition at line 108 of file location.h.

◆ Pathlosses

using EMANE::Events::Pathlosses = typedef std::list<Pathloss>

Definition at line 95 of file pathloss.h.

◆ SlotInfos

using EMANE::Events::SlotInfos = typedef std::vector<SlotInfo>

Definition at line 85 of file slotinfo.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ FadingModel


Definition at line 40 of file fadingmodel.h.