EMANE  1.2.1
EMANE::Utils Namespace Reference


class  BitPool
 Implementation of a rate limiting bit pool. More...
class  CommonLayerStatistics
 Common NEM layer statistics and drop reason tables. More...
union  EtherAddr
 Definition of the ethernet frame address as an array of 6 bytes or set of 3 words. More...
struct  EtherAddrBytes
 Definition of the ethernet frame address as an array of 6 bytes. More...
struct  EtherAddrWords
 Definition of the ethernet frame address as a set of 3 words. More...
struct  EtherArpHeader
 Definition of the ethernet arp header. More...
struct  EtherHeader
 Definition of the ethernet frame header. More...
class  FactoryException
 Exception thrown during the creation of a layer factory. More...
struct  Ip4Header
 Definition of the IPv4 header. More...
struct  Ip6Header
 Definition of the IPv6 header. More...
struct  IP6ICMPHeader
 Definition of the IPv6 ICMP header. More...
class  ParameterConvert
 Parameter conversion class with range checks. More...
class  RandomNumberDistribution
 A utility wrapper around a generator and a distribution. More...
class  RunningAverage
 A running average statistic wrapper. More...
class  Singleton
 Ensure a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it. More...
class  StatisticHistogramTable
 Utility class to make a two column statistic table where the first column is the table key and the second column is a count of key instances. More...
class  Timer
 A timer class that uses Linux interval timers. More...
struct  UdpHeader
 Definition of the UDP header. More...


using SpectrumCompressedRepresentation = std::vector< std::pair< std::size_t, float > >
typedef std::vector< iovec > VectorIO


std::tuple< double, double, double > calculateDirection (const PositionOrientationVelocity &localLocationInfo, const PositionNEU &localAntennaPositionNEU, const PositionOrientationVelocity &remoteLocationInfo, const PositionNEU &remoteAntennaPositionNEU)
std::pair< double, double > calculateLookupAngles (double dAzReference, double dAzPointing, double dElReference, double dElPointing)
bool checkHorizon (const double dHeightMeters1, const double dHeightMeters2, const double dDistanceMeters)
double NORMALIZE_VECTOR (const double x, const double y, const double z)
double DEGREES_TO_RADIANS (const double deg)
void AI_TO_BE_DEGREES (double &val, const double A, const double B)
void AI_TO_BI_DEGREES (double &val, const double A, const double B)
void NEG_90_TO_POS_90_DEGREES (double &val)
double MILLIWATT_TO_DB (double dMillWatt)
double DB_TO_MILLIWATT (double ddB)
struct EMANE::Utils::UdpHeader __attribute__ ((packed))
std::uint8_t get_ip_version (std::uint8_t vhl)
std::uint8_t get_ip_hdrlen (std::uint8_t vhl)
std::uint8_t get_ip_dscp (std::uint8_t tos)
std::uint8_t get_ip_dscp (std::uint8_t ver, std::uint8_t clas)
std::uint8_t get_version (const Ip4Header *ip)
std::uint8_t get_hdrlen (const Ip4Header *ip)
std::uint16_t get_len (const Ip4Header *ip)
std::uint8_t get_dscp (const Ip4Header *ip)
void addr_to_string (const std::uint8_t *addr, size_t addrlen, const char *delim, char *buf, size_t buflen)
std::uint8_t get_version (const Ip6Header *ip)
std::uint8_t get_hdrlen (const Ip6Header *ip)
std::uint16_t get_len (const Ip6Header *ip)
std::uint8_t get_dscp (const Ip6Header *ip)
const EtherAddrget_srcaddr (const EtherHeader *eth)
const EtherAddrget_dstaddr (const EtherHeader *eth)
std::uint16_t get_protocol (const EtherHeader *eth)
const char * addr_to_string (const EtherAddr *addr)
std::string ethaddr_to_string (const EtherAddr *addr)
std::uint16_t get_hwtype (const EtherArpHeader *arp)
std::uint16_t get_protocol (const EtherArpHeader *arp)
std::uint8_t get_hwaddrlen (const EtherArpHeader *arp)
std::uint8_t get_protoaddrlen (const EtherArpHeader *arp)
std::uint16_t get_code (const EtherArpHeader *arp)
const EtherAddrget_srchwaddr (const EtherArpHeader *arp)
const EtherAddrget_dsthwaddr (const EtherArpHeader *arp)
std::uint32_t get_srcprotoaddr (const EtherArpHeader *arp)
std::uint32_t get_dstprotoaddr (const EtherArpHeader *arp)
std::uint16_t ethaddr4_to_id (const EtherAddr *addr)
std::uint16_t ethaddr6_to_id (const EtherAddr *addr)
std::uint8_t get_prefixlen (const in6_addr *prefix)
std::uint16_t inet_cksum (const void *buf, int buflen, std::uint16_t prev=0)
std::string formatFrequency (const std::uint64_t val, const int precision=6)
 returns a sting with the formatted value and suffix More...
std::vector< std::string > getTokens (const std::string &sInput, const char *pzDelimeter)
std::pair< double, bool > maxBinNoiseFloorRange (const SpectrumWindow &window, double dRxPowerdBm, const TimePoint &startTime, const TimePoint &endTime=TimePoint::min())
std::pair< double, bool > maxBinNoiseFloor (const SpectrumWindow &window, double dRxPowerdBm, const TimePoint &startTime=TimePoint::min())
std::pair< double, bool > maxBinNoiseFloor (const std::vector< double > &noiseData, double dRxSensitivityMilliWatt, double dRxPowerdBm, bool bSignalInNoise, std::size_t startBin, std::size_t endBin)
Microseconds::rep timepointToAbsoluteBin (const TimePoint &timePoint, const Microseconds &binSize, bool bAdjust)
SpectrumCompressedRepresentation spectrumCompress (const std::vector< double > &window)
iovec make_iovec (void *base, std::size_t len)


const std::uint8_t IP_PROTO_UDP = 0x11
 ip udp protocol More...
const std::uint16_t UDP_HEADER_LEN = 8
 udp header len More...
const std::uint16_t IPV4_HEADER_LEN = 20
 ipv4 header len without options More...
const std::uint16_t IPV4_ADDR_LEN = 4
 ipv4 addr len More...
const std::uint16_t IPV6_ADDR_LEN = 16
 ipv6 addr len More...
const std::uint8_t IPV6_P_ICMP = 0x3A
 IPv6 ICMP Protocol. More...
const std::uint16_t IPV6_HEADER_LEN = 40
 ipv6 header len More...
const std::uint16_t IPV6_MAX_BIT_LEN = 128
 ipv6 max addr len More...
const std::uint16_t ETH_ALEN = 6
 Ethernet hardware address length. More...
const std::uint16_t ETH_HEADER_LEN = 14
 Ethernet header length. More...
const std::uint16_t ETHARP_HEADER_LEN = 28
 Ethernet Arp header length. More...
const std::uint16_t IP_MAX_PACKET = 0xFFFF
 Max ip packet len. More...
const std::uint16_t ARPHRD_ETHER = 0x0001
 Ethernet hardware type. More...
const std::uint16_t ETH_P_IPV4 = 0x0800
 Ethernet ipv4 protocol. More...
const std::uint16_t ETH_P_ARP = 0x0806
 Ethernet arp protocol. More...
const std::uint16_t ETH_P_IPV6 = 0x86DD
 Ethernet ipv6 protocol. More...
const std::uint16_t ETH_ARPOP_REQUEST = 0x0001
 Ethernet arp request. More...
const std::uint16_t ETH_ARPOP_REPLY = 0x0002
 Ethernet arp reply. More...
const std::uint8_t IP6_ICMP_NEIGH_SOLICIT = 135
 IPv6 ICMP Neighbor Soliciation. More...
const std::uint8_t IP6_ICMP_NEIGH_ADVERT = 136
 IPv6 ICMP Neighbor Advertisement. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ SpectrumCompressedRepresentation

using EMANE::Utils::SpectrumCompressedRepresentation = typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t,float> >

Definition at line 126 of file spectrumwindowutils.h.

◆ VectorIO

typedef std::vector<iovec> EMANE::Utils::VectorIO

Definition at line 43 of file vectorio.h.

Function Documentation

◆ __attribute__()

struct EMANE::Utils::IP6ICMPHeader EMANE::Utils::__attribute__ ( (packed)  )

◆ addr_to_string() [1/2]

void EMANE::Utils::addr_to_string ( const std::uint8_t *  addr,
size_t  addrlen,
const char *  delim,
char *  buf,
size_t  buflen 
addrpointer to the address buffer
addrlenlength of the address buffer
delimthe requested delimeter
bufthe buffer to write the formatted output to
buflenthe length of the output buffer

Definition at line 248 of file netutils.h.

◆ addr_to_string() [2/2]

const char* EMANE::Utils::addr_to_string ( const EtherAddr addr)
addra pointer to an EtherAddr
returns the formatted address string

Definition at line 490 of file netutils.h.


void EMANE::Utils::AI_TO_BE_DEGREES ( double &  val,
const double  A,
const double  B 

Definition at line 56 of file conversionutils.h.


void EMANE::Utils::AI_TO_BI_DEGREES ( double &  val,
const double  A,
const double  B 

Definition at line 77 of file conversionutils.h.

◆ calculateDirection()

std::tuple<double,double,double> EMANE::Utils::calculateDirection ( const PositionOrientationVelocity localLocationInfo,
const PositionNEU localAntennaPositionNEU,
const PositionOrientationVelocity remoteLocationInfo,
const PositionNEU remoteAntennaPositionNEU 

Definition at line 49 of file positionutils.h.

◆ calculateLookupAngles()

std::pair<double,double> EMANE::Utils::calculateLookupAngles ( double  dAzReference,
double  dAzPointing,
double  dElReference,
double  dElPointing 

Definition at line 130 of file positionutils.h.

◆ checkHorizon()

bool EMANE::Utils::checkHorizon ( const double  dHeightMeters1,
const double  dHeightMeters2,
const double  dDistanceMeters 

Definition at line 154 of file positionutils.h.


double EMANE::Utils::DB_TO_MILLIWATT ( double  ddB)

Definition at line 119 of file conversionutils.h.


double EMANE::Utils::DEGREES_TO_RADIANS ( const double  deg)

Definition at line 50 of file conversionutils.h.

◆ ethaddr4_to_id()

std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::ethaddr4_to_id ( const EtherAddr addr)
addra pointer to an ipv4 EtherAddr
returns the derived NEM id

Definition at line 688 of file netutils.h.

◆ ethaddr6_to_id()

std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::ethaddr6_to_id ( const EtherAddr addr)
addra pointer to an ipv6 EtherAddr
returns the derived NEM id

Definition at line 722 of file netutils.h.

◆ ethaddr_to_string()

std::string EMANE::Utils::ethaddr_to_string ( const EtherAddr addr)
addra pointer to an EtherAddr
returns the formatted address string

Definition at line 508 of file netutils.h.

◆ formatFrequency()

std::string EMANE::Utils::formatFrequency ( const std::uint64_t  val,
const int  precision = 6 

returns a sting with the formatted value and suffix

valthe frequency in Hz
precisionthe format precision

Definition at line 849 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_code()

std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::get_code ( const EtherArpHeader arp)
arpa pointer to an EtherArpHeader
returns the arp code in host byte order

Definition at line 602 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_dscp() [1/2]

std::uint8_t EMANE::Utils::get_dscp ( const Ip4Header ip)
ippointer to an ipv4 header
returns the dscp value

Definition at line 233 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_dscp() [2/2]

std::uint8_t EMANE::Utils::get_dscp ( const Ip6Header ip)

Definition at line 323 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_dstaddr()

const EtherAddr* EMANE::Utils::get_dstaddr ( const EtherHeader eth)
etha pointer to an EtherHeader
returns a pointer the dst EtherAddr

Definition at line 462 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_dsthwaddr()

const EtherAddr* EMANE::Utils::get_dsthwaddr ( const EtherArpHeader arp)
arpa pointer to an EtherArpHeader
returns the destination (responder) hardware address

Definition at line 630 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_dstprotoaddr()

std::uint32_t EMANE::Utils::get_dstprotoaddr ( const EtherArpHeader arp)
arpa pointer to an EtherArpHeader
returns the (responder) destination protocol address

Definition at line 657 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_hdrlen() [1/2]

std::uint8_t EMANE::Utils::get_hdrlen ( const Ip4Header ip)
ippointer to an ipv4 header
returns the ipv4 header length with options in bytes

Definition at line 205 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_hdrlen() [2/2]

std::uint8_t EMANE::Utils::get_hdrlen ( const Ip6Header ip)

Definition at line 311 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_hwaddrlen()

std::uint8_t EMANE::Utils::get_hwaddrlen ( const EtherArpHeader arp)
arpa pointer to an EtherArpHeader
returns the hardware address len

Definition at line 575 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_hwtype()

std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::get_hwtype ( const EtherArpHeader arp)
arpa pointer to an EtherArpHeader
returns the hardware type

Definition at line 547 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_ip_dscp() [1/2]

std::uint8_t EMANE::Utils::get_ip_dscp ( std::uint8_t  tos)
tosip tos value
returns ipv4 dscp value

Definition at line 111 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_ip_dscp() [2/2]

std::uint8_t EMANE::Utils::get_ip_dscp ( std::uint8_t  ver,
std::uint8_t  clas 
verip version
clasip traffic class
returns ipv6 dscp value

Definition at line 126 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_ip_hdrlen()

std::uint8_t EMANE::Utils::get_ip_hdrlen ( std::uint8_t  vhl)
vhlip version/header len value
returns the ip header length

Definition at line 97 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_ip_version()

std::uint8_t EMANE::Utils::get_ip_version ( std::uint8_t  vhl)
vhlip version/header len value
returns the ip header version

Definition at line 85 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_len() [1/2]

std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::get_len ( const Ip4Header ip)
ippointer to an ipv4 header
returns the total ipv4 packet length

Definition at line 219 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_len() [2/2]

std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::get_len ( const Ip6Header ip)

Definition at line 317 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_prefixlen()

std::uint8_t EMANE::Utils::get_prefixlen ( const in6_addr *  prefix)
prefixa pointer to a inet 6 address
returns the prefix length in bits

Definition at line 755 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_protoaddrlen()

std::uint8_t EMANE::Utils::get_protoaddrlen ( const EtherArpHeader arp)
arpa pointer to an EtherArpHeader
returns the protocol addresss len

Definition at line 589 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_protocol() [1/2]

std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::get_protocol ( const EtherHeader eth)
etha pointer to an EtherHeader
returns the ether protocol id in host byte order

Definition at line 475 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_protocol() [2/2]

std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::get_protocol ( const EtherArpHeader arp)
arpa pointer to an EtherArpHeader
returns the protocol id in host byte order

Definition at line 561 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_srcaddr()

const EtherAddr* EMANE::Utils::get_srcaddr ( const EtherHeader eth)
etha pointer to an EtherHeader
returns a pointer the src EtherAddr

Definition at line 449 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_srchwaddr()

const EtherAddr* EMANE::Utils::get_srchwaddr ( const EtherArpHeader arp)
arpa pointer to an EtherArpHeader
returns the src (requestor) hardware address

Definition at line 616 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_srcprotoaddr()

std::uint32_t EMANE::Utils::get_srcprotoaddr ( const EtherArpHeader arp)
arpa pointer to an EtherArpHeader
returns the src (requestor) protocol address

Definition at line 643 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_version() [1/2]

std::uint8_t EMANE::Utils::get_version ( const Ip4Header ip)
ippointer to an ipv4 header
returns the ip header version (hopefully version 4)

Definition at line 191 of file netutils.h.

◆ get_version() [2/2]

std::uint8_t EMANE::Utils::get_version ( const Ip6Header ip)

Definition at line 305 of file netutils.h.

◆ getTokens()

std::vector<std::string> EMANE::Utils::getTokens ( const std::string &  sInput,
const char *  pzDelimeter 

Definition at line 881 of file netutils.h.

◆ inet_cksum()

std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::inet_cksum ( const void *  buf,
int  buflen,
std::uint16_t  prev = 0 
bufpointer to data buffer
buflenlength of buffer
prevrunning sum
returns the 16 bit one’s complement of the one’s complement sum of all 16 bit words in the buffer

Definition at line 792 of file netutils.h.

◆ make_iovec()

iovec EMANE::Utils::make_iovec ( void *  base,
std::size_t  len 

Definition at line 46 of file vectorio.h.

◆ maxBinNoiseFloor() [1/2]

std::pair< double, bool > EMANE::Utils::maxBinNoiseFloor ( const SpectrumWindow window,
double  dRxPowerdBm,
const TimePoint startTime = TimePoint::min() 

Gets the noise floor for a given start time and spectrum window using the maximum bin power.

windowSpectrum window to analyze
dRxPowerdBmSignal power level in dBm
startTimeStart time. The default value indicates start of the window.
A pair indicating the noise floor in dBm and a boolean flag set true if the in-band signal was contained in the bin.
SpectrumServiceExceptionwhen an error is detected with one or more input parameters.

Definition at line 80 of file spectrumwindowutils.cc.

◆ maxBinNoiseFloor() [2/2]

std::pair< double, bool > EMANE::Utils::maxBinNoiseFloor ( const std::vector< double > &  noiseData,
double  dRxSensitivityMilliWatt,
double  dRxPowerdBm,
bool  bSignalInNoise,
std::size_t  startBin,
std::size_t  endBin 

Gets the noise floor for a given start and end bin index and spectrum window bin data using the maximum bin power.

noiseDataSpectrum window bin data to analyze
dRxSensitivityMilliWattReceiver sensitivity in mW
dRxPowerdBmSignal power level in dBm
bSignalInNoiseFlag indicating whether in-band signal is in the window
startBinStart bin index
endBinEnd bin index
A pair indicating the noise floor in dBm and a boolean flag set true if the in-band signal was contained in the bin.
SpectrumServiceExceptionwhen an error is detected with one or more input parameters.

Definition at line 112 of file spectrumwindowutils.cc.

◆ maxBinNoiseFloorRange()

std::pair< double, bool > EMANE::Utils::maxBinNoiseFloorRange ( const SpectrumWindow window,
double  dRxPowerdBm,
const TimePoint startTime,
const TimePoint endTime = TimePoint::min() 

Gets the noise floor for a given time range and spectrum window using the maximum bin power within the range.

windowSpectrum window to analyze
dRxPowerdBmSignal power level in dBm
startTimeStart time of the range
endTimeEnd time of the range. The default value indicates the entire window.
A pair indicating the noise floor in dBm and a boolean flag set true if the in-band signal was contained in the bin.
SpectrumServiceExceptionwhen an error is detected with one or more input parameters.

Definition at line 40 of file spectrumwindowutils.cc.


double EMANE::Utils::MILLIWATT_TO_DB ( double  dMillWatt)

Definition at line 114 of file conversionutils.h.


void EMANE::Utils::NEG_90_TO_POS_90_DEGREES ( double &  val)

Definition at line 98 of file conversionutils.h.


double EMANE::Utils::NORMALIZE_VECTOR ( const double  x,
const double  y,
const double  z 

Definition at line 44 of file conversionutils.h.

◆ spectrumCompress()

EMANE::Utils::SpectrumCompressedRepresentation EMANE::Utils::spectrumCompress ( const std::vector< double > &  window)

Compresses spectrum window data into a smaller format.

windowA vector of spectrum window data
compressed representation

Compression format consists of wheel-index wheel-value pairs where:

  1. An implicit initial pair index=0, value=0 exists unless index 0 is otherwise specified
  2. An index value is valid until a new index value is specified
  3. The last index value pair is valid through the end of the wheel

Examples if the wheel contained 100 values and:

  1. All values were 0, the entire CompressedRepresentation would be empty: {}
  2. First 50 values were 1 and the next 50 values were 2: {{0,1},{50,2}}
  3. First 10 values were 1 and the last 10 values were 1: {{0,1},{10,0},{90,1}}
This is currently used in the standalone test cases

Definition at line 164 of file spectrumwindowutils.cc.

◆ timepointToAbsoluteBin()

EMANE::Microseconds::rep EMANE::Utils::timepointToAbsoluteBin ( const TimePoint timePoint,
const Microseconds binSize,
bool  bAdjust 

Gets the absolute bin of a specified time point from the epoch.

timePointDesired time
binSizeFrameworkPHY bin size
bAdjustFlag that when true adjusts to the previous bin if the time falls on a bin boundary
absolute bin
The adjustment flag is useful when determining the end bin in a given range. If the end time falls on a boundary than you are really interested in the previous bin.

Definition at line 151 of file spectrumwindowutils.cc.

Variable Documentation


const std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::ARPHRD_ETHER = 0x0001

Ethernet hardware type.

Definition at line 366 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::ETH_ALEN = 6

Ethernet hardware address length.

Definition at line 335 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::ETH_ARPOP_REPLY = 0x0002

Ethernet arp reply.

Definition at line 676 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::ETH_ARPOP_REQUEST = 0x0001

Ethernet arp request.

Definition at line 668 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::ETH_HEADER_LEN = 14

Ethernet header length.

Definition at line 343 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::ETH_P_ARP = 0x0806

Ethernet arp protocol.

Definition at line 382 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::ETH_P_IPV4 = 0x0800

Ethernet ipv4 protocol.

Definition at line 374 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::ETH_P_IPV6 = 0x86DD

Ethernet ipv6 protocol.

Definition at line 389 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::ETHARP_HEADER_LEN = 28

Ethernet Arp header length.

Definition at line 351 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint8_t EMANE::Utils::IP6_ICMP_NEIGH_ADVERT = 136

IPv6 ICMP Neighbor Advertisement.

Definition at line 839 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint8_t EMANE::Utils::IP6_ICMP_NEIGH_SOLICIT = 135

IPv6 ICMP Neighbor Soliciation.

Definition at line 832 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::IP_MAX_PACKET = 0xFFFF

Max ip packet len.

Definition at line 358 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint8_t EMANE::Utils::IP_PROTO_UDP = 0x11

ip udp protocol

Definition at line 68 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::IPV4_ADDR_LEN = 4

ipv4 addr len

Definition at line 166 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::IPV4_HEADER_LEN = 20

ipv4 header len without options

Definition at line 158 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::IPV6_ADDR_LEN = 16

ipv6 addr len

Definition at line 174 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::IPV6_HEADER_LEN = 40

ipv6 header len

Definition at line 293 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::IPV6_MAX_BIT_LEN = 128

ipv6 max addr len

Definition at line 300 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint8_t EMANE::Utils::IPV6_P_ICMP = 0x3A

IPv6 ICMP Protocol.

Definition at line 181 of file netutils.h.


const std::uint16_t EMANE::Utils::UDP_HEADER_LEN = 8

udp header len

Definition at line 75 of file netutils.h.