EMANE  1.2.1
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CEMANE::Models::IEEE80211ABG::AccessCategoryDefines an access category container
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::AggregationStatusPublisherAggregation statistic and statistic table status publisher
 CEMANE::Events::AntennaProfileHolds NEM Id, antenna profile Id, azimuth and elevation
 CEMANE::Events::AntennaProfileEventFormatterCallable formatter object for AntennaProfileEvent instances
 CEMANE::AnyCan contain an instance of one of any type in its support type set
 CEMANE::AnyConvertableType< T >
 CEMANE::Utils::BitPoolImplementation of a rate limiting bit pool
 CEMANE::BuildableA interface to mark objects with a unique application wide build Id. Builders manipulate buildable objects to register their association with other application objects and to enforce composition rules
 CEMANE::Cloneable< T >
 CEMANE::Cloneable< ControlMessage >
 CEMANE::Models::IEEE80211ABG::CollisionTableDefines a collision table based on contention window and number of neighbors
 CEMANE::Events::CommEffectA CommEffect entry holds the NEM Id of a transmitter and the link effects to apply to received transmission
 CEMANE::Events::CommEffectEventFormatterCallable formatter object for CommEffectEvent instances
 CEMANE::Utils::CommonLayerStatisticsCommon NEM layer statistics and drop reason tables
 CEMANE::CommonPHYHeaderThe common physical layer header used to facilitate heterogeneous radio model experimentation
 CEMANE::ComponentGeneric interface used to configure and control all components
 CEMANE::Models::IEEE80211ABG::ConfigItemsMac configuration items
 CEMANE::Application::ConfigurationControllerExternal application interface to the configuration service
 CEMANE::ConfigurationInfoHolds configuration item meta information
 CEMANE::ConfigurationParserWrapper around the libxml2 XML parsing capabilities for EMANE
 CEMANE::ConfigurationRegistrarThe ConfigurationRegistrar allows NEM layers to register the configuration items they require
 CEMANE::DownstreamControlTransportDownstreamControlTransport allows for processing downstream control messages
 CEMANE::DownstreamPacketSpecialized packet the allows downstream processing to add layer specific headers as the packet travels down the stack. Optionally, events can be attached to the packet to guarantee delivery before the packet
 CEMANE::Models::IEEE80211ABG::DownstreamQueueClass used to define the mac downstream packet queue
 CEMANE::Models::RFPipe::DownstreamQueueProvides a queue implementation for the RFPipe Mac layer
 CEMANE::Models::IEEE80211ABG::DownstreamQueueEntryStructure defines the mac downstream packet queue entry
 CEMANE::Models::RFPipe::DownstreamQueueEntryRFPipe MAC downstream queue entry definition
 CEMANE::DownstreamTransportDownstreamTransport allows for processing downstream data and control messages
 CEMANE::Utils::EtherAddrDefinition of the ethernet frame address as an array of 6 bytes or set of 3 words
 CEMANE::Utils::EtherAddrBytesDefinition of the ethernet frame address as an array of 6 bytes
 CEMANE::Utils::EtherAddrWordsDefinition of the ethernet frame address as a set of 3 words
 CEMANE::Utils::EtherArpHeaderDefinition of the ethernet arp header
 CEMANE::Utils::EtherHeaderDefinition of the ethernet frame header
 CEMANE::Application::EventAgentBuilderProvides methods for constructing event agents and a manager to contain and control them as a group
 CEMANE::EventAgentDirectorDirector used to build EventDaemon (s) with EventAgentBuilder
 CEMANE::EventAgentFactoryFactory for creating EventAgents. The factory manages the DLL allowing for the creation of multiple agents
 CEMANE::EventDirectorDirector used to build EventGenerator (s) with EventGeneratorBuilder
 CEMANE::Application::EventGeneratorBuilderProvides methods for constructing event generators and a manager to contain and control them as a group
 CEMANE::EventGeneratorFactoryFactory for creating EventGenerators. The factory manages the DLL allowing for the creation of multiple generators
 CEMANE::Generators::EEL::EventInfoContains event information to be published
 CEMANE::EventRegistrarThe EventRegistrar allows NEM layers to register to receive events. Only those events registered will be received
 CEMANE::EventServiceProviderEvent service provider interface
 CEMANE::EventServiceUserEventServiceUser interface
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::EventTablePublisherPublishes information about received TDMA schedule events
 CFadingProfileHolds NEM Id and fading model
 CEMANE::Events::FadingSelectionEventFormatterCallable formatter object for FadingSelectionEvent instances
 CEMANE::FileDescriptorServiceProviderFile Descriptor service interface allows for adding arbitrary file descriptors for read or write processing on the NEMQueuedLayer functor queue
 CEMANE::FlowControlClientFlowControlClient is the token consumer side of nem layer to transport flow contol
 CEMANE::FlowControlManagerFlow Control Manager (token producer) side
 CEMANE::Controls::FrequencyControlMessageFormatterCallable formatter object for FrequencyControlMessage instances
 CEMANE::Controls::FrequencyOfInterestControlMessageFormatterCallable formatter object for FrequencyOfInterestControlMessage instances
 CEMANE::FrequencySegmentHolds the frequency, offset and duration of a frequency segment
 CEMANE::Wheel< T >::IndexError
 CEMANE::InitializeExceptionException thrown during component initialization
 CEMANE::Utils::Ip4HeaderDefinition of the IPv4 header
 CEMANE::Utils::Ip6HeaderDefinition of the IPv6 header
 CEMANE::Utils::IP6ICMPHeaderDefinition of the IPv6 ICMP header
 CEMANE::LayerConfigurationProvides default implementation to common layer functionalities
 CEMANE::LayerFactory< T >Factory for creating T layers . The factory manages the DLL allowing for the creation of layers of the same type
 CEMANE::Generators::EEL::LoaderPluginInterface used to create an EEL loader plugin implementation
 CEMANE::Generators::EEL::LoaderPluginFactoryFactory for creating plugins . The factory manages the DLL allowing for the creation of plugins of the same type
 CEMANE::Events::LocationA location entry holds an NEM Id, that NEM's position information and optional orientation and velocity
 CEMANE::Events::LocationEventFormatterCallable formatter object for LocationEvent instances
 CEMANE::Application::LoggerAn instance of the EMANE logger. Provides methods for logger configuration and logging
 CEMANE::LogServiceProviderLog service provider interface
 CEMANE::Models::IEEE80211ABG::MACConfigClass used to define the mac layer configuration items
 CEMANE::Models::IEEE80211ABG::MACHeaderParamsHigh fidelity mac header
 CEMANE::Models::IEEE80211ABG::MACStatisticsClass used to define the mac layer statistic items
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::MessageComponentHolds a message component that may be all or part of a data or control message
 CEMANE::Models::IEEE80211ABG::ModeTimingParametersClass used to define timing parameters
 CEMANE::Models::IEEE80211ABG::Neighbor2HopEntryDefines a 2 hop nbr and its bandwidth utilization
 CEMANE::Models::IEEE80211ABG::NeighborEntryDefines a 1 hop nbr and its bandwidth utilization
 CEMANE::Models::IEEE80211ABG::NeighborManagerDefines the ieee 80211 abg 1 and 2 hop neighbor manager
 CEMANE::NeighborMetricManagerManages neighbor metrics and sends neighbor metric control message upstream
 CEMANE::Application::NEMBuilderProvides methods for constructing an emulator instance from its constituent parts
 CEMANE::NEMDirectorDirector used to build Platform NEM (s) with the NEMBuilder
 CEMANE::NEMLayerStateEncapsulated behavior associated with an NEMLayer depending on the layer's current context
 CEMANE::NetAdapterControlMessageInformation shared between network adapter and nem
 CEMANE::NetAdapterDataMessageData shared between network adapter and nem
 CEMANE::NetAdapterHeaderNetAdapter message header
 CEMANE::OrientationHolds pitch, yaw and roll
 CEMANE::OrientationFormatterCallable formatter object for Orientation instances
 CEMANE::OTAProviderInterface for OTA
 CEMANE::OTAUserOTA user interface that allows access to the OTA provider
 CEMANE::PacketInfoStore source, destination, creation time and priority information for a packet
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::PacketMetaInfoReceived over-the-air message information
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::PacketStatusPublisherPacket status interface used to publish statistics and tables showing accepted and rejected byte counts along with reasons
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::PacketStatusPublisherUserInterface used to provided access to the PacketStatusPublisher
 CEMANE::Utils::ParameterConvertParameter conversion class with range checks
 CEMANE::Events::PathlossA pathloss entry holds the source NEM Id and the forward and reverse pathloss to apply to received transmissions
 CEMANE::Events::PathlossEventFormatterCallable formatter object for PathlossEvent instances
 CEMANE::Models::IEEE80211ABG::PCRManagerAccess to the pcr curves
 CEMANE::Models::RFPipe::PCRManagerManages the PCR curves
 CEMANE::PlatformServiceProviderThe PlatformServiceProvider interface provides access to emulator services
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::PORManagerPOR Manager responsible for loading PCR curves from file and determining POR
 CEMANE::PositionHolds latitude, longitude and altitude
 CEMANE::PositionFormatterCallable formatter object for Position instances
 CEMANE::PositionNEUFormatterCallable formatter object for PositioNEU instances
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::QueueDownstream packet queue with both FIFO and By-Destination FIFO dequeue mechanisms
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::QueueInfoQueue status information
 CEMANE::QueueMetricManagerManager Queue metrics
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::QueueStatusPublisherQueue statistic and statistic table status publisher
 CEMANE::Controls::R2RINeighborMetricR2RI neighbor metrics are used in conjunction with the R2RINeighborMetricControlMessage to inform an NEM's transport layer of MAC neighbor state
 CEMANE::Controls::R2RINeighborMetricControlMessageFormatterCallable formatter object for R2RINeighborMetricControlMessage instances
 CEMANE::Controls::R2RIQueueMetricR2RI queue metrics are used in conjunction with the R2RIQueueMetricControlMessage to inform an NEM's transport layer of MAC queue state
 CEMANE::Controls::R2RIQueueMetricControlMessageFormatterCallable formatter object for R2RIQueueMetricControlMessage instances
 CEMANE::Controls::R2RISelfMetricControlMessageFormatterCallable formatter object for R2RISelfMetricControlMessage instances
 CEMANE::RadioServiceProviderThe RadioServiceProvider interface provides access to radio (RF) model specific services
 CEMANE::RadioServiceUserRadio service user interface allows access to the radio services
 CEMANE::Utils::RandomNumberDistribution< Generator, Distribution >A utility wrapper around a generator and a distribution
 CEMANE::Utils::RandomNumberDistribution< std::mt19937, std::uniform_real_distribution< float > >
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::ReceiveManagerManages all receive side message processing
 CEMANE::Controls::ReceivePropertiesControlMessageFormatterCallable formatter object for ReceivePropertiesControlMessage instances
 CEMANE::RegistrarThe Registrar interface provides access to all of the emulator registrars
 CEMANE::Utils::RunningAverage< T >A running average statistic wrapper
 CEMANE::Utils::RunningAverage< Average >
 CEMANE::Utils::RunningAverage< double >
 CEMANE::Utils::RunningAverage< float >
 CEMANE::RunningStateMutableThe RunningStateMutable interface is used to allow dynamic running-state configuration changes. Configuration is placed on the NEMQueuedLayer functor queue for processing
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::RxSlotInfoReceive slot information
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::SchedulerUserInterface used by a scheduler module to communicate information with BaseModel
 CEMANE::Models::IEEE80211ABG::SequenceEntryStructure used to define parameters to detect duplicate frames
 CEMANE::SerializableThe Serializable interface provides the API used to serialize headers, control messages and events
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< T >Ensure a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< AntennaProfileManifest >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< BroadcastPostTxState >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< BroadcastPreTxState >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< BroadcastTxState >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< BuildIdService >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< ConfigurationService >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< EventAgentFactoryManager >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< EventGeneratorFactoryManager >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< EventService >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< IdleTxState >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< LayerFactoryManager >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< LogService >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< NEMLayerStateConfigured >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< NEMLayerStateDestroyed >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< NEMLayerStateInitialized >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< NEMLayerStateRunning >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< NEMLayerStateStopped >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< NEMLayerStateUninitialized >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< NOPFileDescriptorService >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< OTAManager >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< StatisticService >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< TimerService >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< TransportFactoryManager >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< UnicastPostTxState >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< UnicastPreTxState >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< UnicastRtsCtsPostTxState >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< UnicastRtsCtsPreTxState >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< UnicastRtsCtsTxState >
 CEMANE::Utils::Singleton< UnicastTxState >
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::SlotInfoCurrent slot information
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::SlotStatusTablePublisherSlot statistic and statistic table status publisher
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::SlotterHelper class used to manipulate slot structure elements
 CEMANE::SpectrumServiceProviderThe SpectrumServiceProvider interface provides an API to request noise window information
 CEMANE::StatisticThe Statistic interface is the base class of all statistics. It provided methods to access and clear the statistic
 CEMANE::Application::StatisticControllerExternal application interface to the statistic service
 CEMANE::Utils::StatisticHistogramTable< Key, Counter >Utility class to make a two column statistic table where the first column is the table key and the second column is a count of key instances
 CEMANE::StatisticInfoHolds name, type, property and description of a Statistic
 CEMANE::StatisticRegistrarThe StatisticRegistrar allows NEM layers to register statistics and statistic tables. Statistics and Statistic tables are owned by the emulator framework and a borrowed reference is returned to the registering NEM layer
 CEMANE::StatisticTableInfoHolds name, property and description of a StatisticTable
 CEMANE::StatisticTablePublisherA StatisticTablePublisher produces two dimensional tables of Anys
 CEMANE::StopExceptionException thrown during a component stop
 CEMANE::Utils::TimerA timer class that uses Linux interval timers
 CEMANE::TimerServiceProviderTimer service interface the allows for scheduling timers that are placed on the NEMQueuedLayer functor queue for processing
 CEMANE::TimerServiceUserTimerServiceUser interface
 CEMANE::Models::IEEE80211ABG::TransmissionTxStateBase class used to define the transitions for the mac tx states
 CEMANE::TransmitterHolds transmitter id and power level
 CEMANE::Controls::TransmitterControlMessageFormatterCallable formatter object for TransmitterControlMessage instances
 CEMANE::Application::TransportBuilderProvides methods for contructing transports and a manager to contain and control them as a a group
 CEMANE::TransportDirectorDirector used to build EventDaemon (s) with TransportBuilder
 CEMANE::TransportFactoryFactory for creating Transports. The factory manages the DLL allowing for the creation of multiple transports. It does not appear obvious why we would expaind functionality to include multiple transports for a single NEM..
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::TxSlotInfoTransmit slot information
 CEMANE::Models::TDMA::TxSlotInfosFormatterCallable formatter object for TxSlotInfos instances
 CEMANE::Utils::UdpHeaderDefinition of the UDP header
 CEMANE::UpstreamControlTransportUpstreamControlTransport interface allows for processing upstream control messages
 CEMANE::UpstreamPacketA Packet class that allows upstream processing to strip layer headers as the packet travels up the stack towards the emulation/application boundary (transport)
 CEMANE::UpstreamTransportUpstreamTransport allows for processing upstream data and control messages. Upstream packets and control messages are placed on the NEMQueuedLayer functor queue for processing
 CEMANE::VelocityHolds the velocity elements associated with an NEM's location information
 CEMANE::VelocityFormatterCallable formatter object for Velocity instances
 CEMANE::Wheel< T >
 CEMANE::Wheel< double >
 CEMANE::Models::IEEE80211ABG::WMMManagerDefines the WMM manager